*اخیر میں ان کتب کے سرورق بھی لگا دیئے ہیں جہاں سے اضافی تشریحی صفحات لئے گئے ہیں۔
Muwatta of Imam Muhammad (ENGLISH)
The Muwatta of Imam Malik ibn Anas
in the narration of Imam Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ash-Shaybani
By: Muhammad ibn al-Hasan
Translated by: Mohammad Abdurrahman
and Abdassamad Clarke
Dr. Asadullah Yate (The science of
invalidation (jirh) and authentication (ta 'dil))
General editor: Yahya Batha
Editors: Mufti Zubair Ismail Bayat
Abdassamad Clarke
Shaykh Sulaiman Gani (Rijal)
Uthman Ibrahim-Morisson
Safira Batha
Indexes: Muhammad Ansa
Birtish Library Cataloguing in
Publication Data
ash-Shaybani, Muhammad ibn al-Hasan
Muwatta of Imam Muhammad. The 1.