لغات و فرہنگ

شرح مقدمہ صحیح مسلم

Sahih Muslim is a collection of hadiths (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad) that are considered authentic and reliable by Muslim scholars. It is one of the most respected and widely used hadith collections in Sunni Islam, and is considered second only to Sahih al-Bukhari in terms of authenticity and importance.

Sahih Muslim was compiled by Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj, a Persian hadith scholar, over a period of 15 years in the 9th century. It contains over 7,000 hadiths, which were carefully selected and verified for their accuracy and authenticity.

Sahih Muslim is considered a vital source of guidance and wisdom for Muslims, and is used to support Islamic jurisprudence, theology, and spirituality. Its hadiths cover a wide range of topics, including faith, worship, ethics, morality, and social conduct.

Sharah Muqaddimah Sahih is a commentary on the introduction (Muqaddimah) of Sahih Muslim, a collection of hadiths (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad) compiled by Imam Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj al-Naysaburi ¹. The Muqaddimah clarifies important aspects of hadith transmission and preservation and is studied separately for its benefits ². Commentaries on the Muqaddimah, like Sharah Muqaddimah Sahih, provide explanations and insights into the introduction, enhancing understanding of the hadith collection



Islamic Books , Comparative Study, Islamic Scholars , Manhaj  ,Comparison , Taqabuli Mutala , Islamic Literature , Islamic Studies , Urdu Books , Islamic Education , Islamic Research , Islamic Scholarship , Islamic Thought , Islamic Methodology ,Hadith Studies , Manhaj , Analysis , Sharh Sahih Muslim , Sahih Muslim , Hadith Commentary , Islamic Scholarship , Islamic Jurisprudence , Islamic Literature , Islamic Education , Islamic Research , Hadith Analysis, Islamic Studies , Hadith Compilation , Hadith Exegesis , Islamic Tradition, Islamic Scholars ,AKABIR ULEMA E AHL SUNNAT WA JAMAAT DEOBAND ,  AKABIR ULEMA DEOBAND , MUHADDIZEEN E DEOBAND , 

,مناہج,تقابلی مطالعہ,علوم ِ حدیث ,اسلامی , تحقیقات,حدیث_تشریح,منہج_تشریح,صحیح_مسلم,امام_مسلم_بن_الحجاج,شرح_صحیح_مسلم,

, ,علمائے اہل سنت و الجماعت دیوبند, اکابر علماء دیوبند, محدثین ِ دیوبند